a little about me...

For those of you that know me, you know that I LOVE to rearrange our furniture!  The hubby says that he would never dare to come home and walk through our house in the dark and run the risk of running into freshly moved furniture. There is something wonderful about change and making things fresh.  Just as I crave this in my home I crave this in life. I love a good adventure and how God continues to rearrange things in my heart and make me new!  I hope the words on this blog make you smile, laugh, maybe even cry... but most of all I hope they shine my heart for the Lord! 

Outside of my little corner in the blog world, I am a momma to 2 great kids (Eliana and Owen) and waiting on our 3rd by way of adoption (Ethiopia). I am a wife to an incredible husband who finds fresh ways to love me unconditionally constantly. I am a daughter, a friend, a runner, a whole30 alumni (worthy of noting I believe). I am a little spicy, and I am someone who wants to offer Grace to those around me in this crazy life we are living!

Grace was first offered to me as a 19 year old girl, struggling to find love and purpose, grasping to whatever the world would offer.  In that Grace I found new life, purpose, refreshment in my spirit, and unconditional love that I had never experienced before.  Because of that Grace I can laugh louder, smile bigger, feel deeper, and love better.  May God's Grace rearrange your life as it has mine!

Thanks again for reading all the words and hanging out in my little blog corner!

prayers and blessings - Dawn

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