Monday, September 5, 2011

Settling in...

I haven't been able to blog in a while (unfortunately), but now we are getting settled in and starting to get into a routine. It has been quite an experience moving to the East Coast. It has been very hard being so far away from everyone we love, but I am reminding myself that it took us a few months to make friends when we made our move to Missouri. Our first mission in settling in was of coarse unpacking/decorating/cleaning, etc... This was quite the task in this new house because the painting that was done was messy and ugly. So that meant a lot of painting! We were thankful for Todd's mom and my mom to join us and help with the labor of painting, unpacking, cleaning, etc... And once they headed home we continued the work on turning our house into a home. We still have a few rooms to paint, but for the most part we are beginning to feel settled.

 Eliana will start preschool this week at a Christian pre school. Next week I will start attending a regular bible study for stay at home moms (MOPS), and we continue to seek a church home to be settled in with a new church family. As we settle into this new home and new environment Todd and I have talked a lot about our family and friends that are so far away. We have discovered and put into words that we are the people who go into friendships and relationships with the intention that they will last a lifetime (and beyond). We know that long distance friends and family relationships take more work, but what we learned in our 2 1/2 years of doing "the long distance relationship" ourselves, is that it builds a stronger deeper rooted friendship and relationship. So while we are sad and miss our friends and family, we feel confident and excited to have friendships all over the place! And look forward to making some friendships here that will last a lifetime as well!!

As for now, I will leave you with a few fun pics of our home as we are settling in! OH... and I hope you enjoy the new blog layout, I felt like it needed some "freshening up" and after telling a friend, she says to me - "you rearranged your blog!" I'm not even aware of my own craziness!!! LOL

Living Room


Eliana's Room

Owen's Room

Prayer's and Blessings - Dawn

1 comment:

Ruth Cox said...

Hi Dawn!

Great looking blog. Makes me think about putting a fresh face on my blog. . . . maybe some day. . .

Your house looks beautiful! I know that it is a lot of work. . . . but, you all did a great job.

Love and blessings to you!