Monday, October 31, 2011

We had a Happy Halloween

We had a great Halloween and I hope you did as well. We aren't really a family who gets "really into" Halloween but had a great family evening this year.

We started out our evening at Chic Fil A (a fast food restaurant I have fallen in love with here in VA especially their Christian roots and great food!) they had fun Halloween games for the kids and we got some yummy chicken.

Next we headed out to do some trick or treating around our neighborhood. I was so impressed this year with Eliana's excitement. She had no problem walking up to the door, ringing the bell, saying trick or treat, and saying thank you for the candy!!! Owen was excited to follow her lead and cash in on the sugar!

After getting plenty of candy we headed to the church for a fall harvest party and talent show. The kids were suppose to dress up as someone that they looked up to in order to be in the costume contest. It was great to see who the kids chose, a few chose their parents and what they had to say was so sweet. Their was also a lot of talented people for the talent show, it was a lot of fun and had quite a few laughs. Maybe next year Todd and I will bust out our "swagger wagon" rap! (if you have no idea what I'm talking about let the link take you to the entertainment!)

We ended the evening back home, put our sweet little skeleton to bed, and unraveled our sweet little peacock. And then to end the night Todd and I busted out some camp rock dance moves for Eliana :) She insists that she dances better than us but I just don't think its true! I do know I laughed and danced a lot of those extra calories off, and was reminded yet again why I love my family so much!

We had a great family evening and hope you guys are having a good start to your week.  I will be blogging next on how I made Eliana's costume :) It was quite a hit I must say, but also ALL Eliana's idea !! Can't pass up a crafty opportunity!

Prayers and Blessings - Dawn

1 comment:

~ Rachel said...

Ha ha, love El's costume. But let me say, I don't want you to plan another Halloween in VA. I think you should be coming back this way before then. And sorry El, you are cute, but your mama can bust the moves. Love your fam!!!